Sunday, October 09, 2022

democraaats Are A National Security Risk!! : Oil Reserves A Political Tool!

 This has to show just how sinister and moraless the democraaats really are when they use a strategic resource like our oil reserves for political purposes. They are releasing millions of barrels of oil just to try and bring down the price of gas at the pump just so they don't look bad before the elections in November. 

If we have a real strategic catastrophe where we would need those reserves, they would not be available. And when we, after the Republicans take power will have to replenish those reserves, it will cost a lot more then when we filled them back when Trump was president. The democraaat couldn't care less, it's always about the tools needed to take the power for control!!

This of course is only one issue where the corrupt and criminal democraaats have put our nation at risk for failure. And it not just a few democraaats, it's every last one of them in congress that voted to make this disaster we are facing all across the country happen.

Never again vote democraaat! The world is watching!!!

And it's always by any means necessary!!

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