Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Joe Shut Down America's Oil And Gas Production! But Begs The Abrabs For Oil!!??

The real sad part is millions of good citizens have no idea why Joe is on bended knee to the Arabs begging for them to produce more oil for us when we have more oil than they do!  Why would he do that!! Why would anyone have voted for him when he told us he will shut the entire country down if elected.

And yet millions didn't believe he would do that. The good citizens understood that would be insane!

I wonder if all of those good citizen's that voted for him now believe they made a big mistake!!?? (Fooled again and again, yet they continue to believe!!) Why?

And we have more oil and gas in America then OPEC and yet
Ol' Joe wants them to produce more because we are
running out? Another good reason to
vote for more democraaats.

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