Thursday, October 20, 2022

The Media and The Government Against The People! : Whatz Next?

 Isn't this interesting that we down here in the trenches that struggle to survive day to day now have to fight off our own government that wants to enslave us with their collective assault on our most basic freedoms as our forefathers stated so eloquently concerning what they believed was the very foundation of human rights in the Declaration of Independence, ''Life Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness''!

Now our freedoms are all under attack by the Marxist democraaats who seek only the power for control at the total expense of all things stated in our Constitution. 

Why would they do this and who voted to make it happen? Why do they hate this country that has given them everything?

 Will those that did vote to make this happen come to grips with their decision and make the necessary changes in November to bring America back to the freedom and liberty of our founders???

The democraaats are not nice people and they show
us every day that they want to take our freedoms
 away! Never vote democraaat ever again!!

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