Wednesday, October 12, 2022

How Is Biiyden Different From Trump? : One Has A Functioning Brain!!

 Joe is a total danger to himself and mostly to the nation. He is a mental disaster of catastrophic proportions, and we will have him for another 2 years. Who is responsible and how many are in jail?

For all of those that voted for him and all those that cheated to get him elected, are you having some ''buyer's remorse''? Really, even DNA mutant democraaats have to have some idea Joe is mentally sick and doing damage to our country just by his presence in the White House!

As we all know Joe is not at the top of his game. In reality,
Joe is a danger to national security. There is always a White
 House cleanup crew close by whenever he moves out of his
basement, both a mental crew and a physical crew as he has a
tendency to let go unexpectedly.

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