Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Biggest Problem For Republicans! : A Creditability Problem!!

 Unfortunately, many good Conservative citizens believe the Republicans are not up to the job of leading the country to prosperity. And especially now that the country is on the cusp of default where leadership is so profound, we find them hiding under their desks quaking in fear of having to take a stand on explaining their principles.

Sadly, their history of failure to deliver leadership follows them no matter where they go or what they say will do if elected, it looms front and center in the minds of every voter, will they fail again like they always have in the past!

The Republicans have a nasty history of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. They say they will fight for us so we all will have a better life but mostly it never happens that way, leading is just too difficult as our basic lifestyle is to be left along to seek our own destinies, not the steal other people's freedoms by force.

This new ''Commitment to American'' that the Republicans have drafted is a good start but still just a piece of paper. Again, their history of failure to deliver precedes them. (Only time will tell! But failure this time will spell the demise of the party.)

Solution! We have to vote them, the Republicans all into office this November, defeating every last democraaat that is running for reelection or for a new position as they, the democraaats, every last one of them voted in the past as a block to bring our country to its collective knees! They hate the country as it was founded, and they are working tirelessly to bring Barrrack's "fundamental change'' to a reality.

It's a moral and ethical disaster that will not ever allow us to regain what went before like we had with Donald Trump. They Marxist liberated democraaats will never stop trying to divide us and destroy our heritage of individual freedom and liberty. 

Marxist socialist, communists hate the freedom to choose!! The democraaats must have total control!

But by defeating all democraaats this November and then in 2024 reelect Donald Trump, not a Republican but a Conservative, so the healing can begin, again.

Republicans are really good about defending our Constitution
and the country from all those the seek to bring chaos, the
problem of course is they can't lead.

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