Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Doing Whatz Right : Justice Defined In America!!

 With the FBI becoming a real threat to our personal individual freedom, if not our very survival as a free nation, justice is no longer a question of do we have ''equal justice under the law''! 

What we are living with at present is a totalitarian state where the government has weaponized all agencies to attack anyone or any institution that stands in its way so they can and will do whatever it wants no matter what the Constitution says is lawful.

Our government is and has been for the last 2 years the enemy of the people! No one is safe from their overreach.

The new Marxist liberated democraaat collective will do whatever is necessary to get and keep the power for control, the law be dammed!!

Oh, by the way, always vote for more democraaats this November as it might be the last time you will have the chance if the Marxist win. And what is really neat to find out later, living on your knees and speaking Chinese isn't so bad once you get used to it!!

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