Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Two-Tiered Justice? : No, It's Much Worse Then That!!

From all of the reports, the justice system is no longer blind but criminalized to destroy the Constitution as the rule of law in America. The anchor that once held the country steady in the storms of change is the Constitution and rights and liberties for all. But now the anchor has been cut sending America adrift.

The Marxist liberated democraaat are now using the department of justice to further their ambitions of taking total control of the population by weaponizing government agencies against the people, stealing their individual freedoms and liberties.

Never in our history have the entire federal government been used to take power from the people and using it to once and for all to bring down America as a free nation by force of arms. (Remember how this very thing was used back in the 1930's in Europe and the results?)

Sadly, many among us have no idea what is going as they rely on the mainstream media, the printed media, television and social media to inform them as to what is transpiring around the country. Except the media does not pass on any of this tragedy that is unfolding which will change their lives forever! 

They will say, ''When did this all happen?" as the wake up in a cardboard box behind the Walmart dumpster.

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