Tuesday, October 11, 2022

When Ignorance is Bliss : That Is, Until It Isn't!! Electric Cars!!

Never mind common sense, just follow the bouncing ball that explains what you are to do next or be destructed by 2% of the mutants that at the levers of power!! 

(Always vote for more Marxist liberated democraaats as we still have some life and common sense left in the country that needs to be destroyed!!)

Why Ford have to move their manufacturing facilities to Mexico if we are all heading off to total destruction of our way of life if we all don't start driving an electric car or in this case electric trucks by 2035? 

What about the fact the general population can't afford the dam things and the electrical gird is not capable of supplying the needed electrical power to charge the dam things!!

This is insanity!! By 2035, the ''Green New Deal'' will supply less the 13% of our electrical needs. What then with millions of new electric cars taking a huge percentage of our power that we need to power our homes and businesses!!!??? 

What the hell will we do then to heat our homes or keep our refrigerators funning??????

Notice the front end of this truck, it's the front of an Edsel! And
Ford knows this was a huge mistake, but it didn't matter, being 
Woke is being sycophant to the far-left communist collective is
accepted as the new normal!

How many times will it take for the general public to be taken
in by the Marxist Socialist liberated democraaats demands we
all must do what we know is a scam, a fraud on common sense!

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