Sunday, October 30, 2022

What Exactly Is The Musk Ideology? : Unchain The Masses!!

 It is virtually impossible to comprehend the Marxist newly liberated democraaats going absolutely insane because they no longer in power to control all outcomes in our communications with each other.

Even worse, they don't comprehend their mental sickness is the reason they are unhinged, they firmly believe they are by birthright the rightful owners of the universe.

The real downside of course is we now will have another 20% of the population homeless and living on some street corner screaming obscenities, pulling their hair out and defecating on the sidewalk!

I came, I saw, I conquered!! Hard to believe the richest
guy in the world is actually sane!

And even better he knows he is driving the communist
democraaats even more insane!!

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