Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Where Is Joe Biiyden? : Is He Lost Again? It's The Fog!

''Not to worry, it's just Ol' Joe being Joe''! This is a must to never allow Joe anywhere near a place where he can move around on his own as he cannot find his way out no matter all of the clues that he was given over the last 50 years and still he gets lost!! (Even Jill somethings can't find him in the morning went he is called for breakfast! "Joe where are you?'' She asks how he can get lost in a basement?)

He got lost in the last ice cream shop he went into!! They called it a brain freeze! (The ice cream was too cold!)

How does that happen? What happen to Joe! (Some people say nothing has happened to Joe, this is the way he has always been. Hey, some people say he's better now than when he was in the Senate!!)

Joe moves in directions that only he knows where he is going
which is the nearest ice cream shop but winds up in the 
White House west parking lot! "Well son of a bitch,
how the hell did I get here? Where is Air Force One?"

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