Friday, October 21, 2022

What About Pride, Ethics and Morality : Joe Asleep At The Wheel!

 A monster by any other name is still a greedy, ignorant and a mentally ill child! 

Why and how did this happen to our country? How do so many among us believe what the Marxist liberated democraaats are doing to destroy our freedoms and liberty just for some one's total greed for power and money is okay? Who voted for this? 

What ever happened to love of country? What ever happened to ethics and morality? What ever happened to one's pride? The need to do a job and say well done!? 

What we have now is none of these and those that are at the levers of power don't care about any of this. It's only about taking power from others and at the same time getting rich. The country be dammed!

Joe Biiyden is not a well or sane person, but a greedy ill child
in need of some warm blank and a lot or rest instead of having
his finger on the nuclear buttons!

What else do we have to say to make so many
among us understand it's about self-preservation!

Ol Joe is more than just stupid and ignorant, he is selling
America to the highest bidder and laughing all the way to
the bank.

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