Monday, August 05, 2024

Where's Joe? : Forever Lost In Yesterday!

And no one cares!! He's gotten rich and powerful, but the price is much higher than he wanted to pay. Joe was all about selling himself and whatever the market would yield to make him rich, or whatever he thought someone would be willing to buy, including our counties heritage and wealth. 

He never gave it a second thought to why that wasn't a good idea, he just knew it was how things are supposed to be from his first days in school and as a government employee. Taking as much from others and as fast you can before someone else does. 

And he did! The conquest was the world's richest and how he was in a position to take advanage of the fools who believe how he acted was criminal. That kind of thing never entered his mind as being anything but the natural order of things in a land of plenty.

But Ol' Joe has now been cast into darkens both physically and 
mentally. He wonders why Xi and Putin don't call anymore.
''Friends should stay in touch. That woman taking my place
has no idea of how to work the system like I did!!''
''-----well anyway, what's for lunch!''

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