Friday, August 16, 2024

democraaat Voters Are Stuck With Kamomala! : A Loser By Any Other Name!!

And they know it!! They try and put on a happy face to cover their anxiety but it's like everything else that democraaats do, it's all fake!!! If they can't ''story tell'' concerning what and who they are, they resort to distortion and fabrication of the truth, that is, they lie!

They can run but they know they can't hide any more, especially after the debacle that they hide for a decade, but now everything is out in the open. Old Joe is finally showing the world what everyone already knew, old Joe is mentally a 3-year-old!!

Too sick to run again for president but not too old and sick to lead the free world!

The Marxist liberated democraaats understand their choices were few given the time constraints, and therefore their options were even less. So, the only alternative is a full-scale attack on the voters using disinformation and misinformation to convince everyone their candidate is a real person, not just another puppet dancing to some else's toon.

And not just any dancing puppet, it's one who hates you and doesn't even know who you are and doesn't and couldn't care less! And they aren't clowns on a tight string but something totally different and sinister. 

They aren't like regular people but by DNA dangerously controllable. Their leadership knows this and use it to perfection.

Most democraaats have no idea what's going on within
their party and mostly don't care, they put on the best 
face that they can and then vote like they are told!

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