Monday, August 12, 2024

democraaats Demonstrate Lawless Ambitions! : Who Cares?

But then it has always been that way from the very beginning, generations of corruption in life, business and government was then and now the rule and not the exception. 

It looks like bad now as they are running scared that their lies have caught up with them and their efforts to lie about Joe's health and to fix the problem by throwing Joe under the bus, locking him in his basement! And then moving quickly replacing him without any rule of law. They did by necessity because they knew they could, and no one would try and stop them.

It ahs always been this way but now the corrruption and lawlessness is out in the open for all to see, time they understand is short to make the change push hard on their plans to take the election in November ''by any means necessary'' is the rule of the day!! They will do anything, anything that it takes to make sure their power for control secure.

Know this, this election is pivotal for Marxist democraaats. The entire federal government is behind this push including the FBI, The DOJ and Secret Serice. There are no limits!!!

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