Monday, August 19, 2024

''From Day One, I'll Help Muslims Rule the World'' : Joe Biiyden 2020! (Video)

 And yet they believed old Joe was here to make things better, ''Build Back Better'', for everyone except most American citizens!! 

The truth, noting was built back better as everything saws already better until he came into office and signed, on day one, 60 executive orders to make Barrrack's religious jihad a reality of ''fundamentally change '' for all America. Death and destruction was on the agenda!

And now as America burned in ''the summer of love'' in 2020, thousands injured and 25 murdered and $billions in damages, old Joe's buddies cheated to make him president. 

The rest is history. The destruction of America will take decades if not generation to repair if ever.

Never vote democraaat  AGAIN, NEVER EVER AGAIN!!!!!

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