Friday, August 09, 2024

The Joker? The Riddler? And Now The Giggler!? : All Transparent Criminals'?

Nothing is left to chance when the ''Marxist Giggler'' is on stage, front and center explaining why she has no idea for what just happened. The woman is totally transparent. She can't hide anything.

We see her as she actually is!!

When she says something that makes no sense, when doesn't she do that, where she has no idea about what she just said, or is steeped in utter chaotic language, she busts out with that death defying laughter to cover her total inability to portray herself as competent!

Are you scared yet? Millions are ready to vote for
someone even worse than Joe Biiyden! At least we
knew Joe was out to steal as much money as he 
could before he left office, where as Kammala is only
out for the ride! She has no clue! Or does she?

Really, Willy Brown knows her intimately. He says
she isn't totally stupid; she has unseen talents. ''These
days,'' Willy Browns laughs,'' to get a head though
 sometimes it's not who you know but who you blow!''

(But wait a minute, Barrrack called her directly to
tell her she is now the deomocraaat nominee
for president! Does Michaelle know about this?)

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