Thursday, August 15, 2024

When The Schools Says No To Parents : Who's In Charge?

 When the local and or federal government tells parent they no longer have custody of their child, that responsibility is now in the hands of the state and local authorities and that's for any reason the state may deem necessary for the child's wellbeing.

And worse if the parents object to the Orwellian demands, the long arm of the law steps in and removes the children from parental control! 

If your 4-year-old decides he wants to play with dolls at school, the authorities can decide he would be better off being a girl and therefore state him in puberty blockers. Oh, and of course, the authorities don't have inform the parents as that is now not withing their preview of parental control. 

The state has all authority it needs to solve any situation that may arise concerning who has final control of the child. If they, the state, have a problem between the state authorities and the parents, the state will come in and remove the child from parental control.

Now that sound reasonable, right? What would we do if we didn't really smart people telling us what to do?

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