Thursday, August 15, 2024

What Is Government's Job? : To Serve And Protect?

 Sir Winston Churchill understood the purpose of government when he was elected prime Minster of Great Britian in 1940 as the Germans began their invasion Europe. He knew how important is was that he showed leadership as England would not escape the German hordes that were ravaging several countries all about them. 

He knew it was only a matter of time before Hitler would cross the channel to take them and what they owned for himself.  A man at the levers of power at the right time in history. The people knew him and elected him to save them from disaster.

A man in the right place and at the right time!

What we are facing today is a similar disaster except the threat to us is internal instead of external as Britian faced in 1940. We as well are surrounded by evil people who want only to satisfy the most basic and primeval need and that's control of others. And they mean to do so by any means necessary,

If we are save ourselves and our country for future generations to come, as it is our duty to past generations that have given everything, their last full measure, is our duty then to elect someone who will stand strong against the  hordes at gates to stop the invaders who want to do us all harm, the Marxist liberated socialist that now believe it is their time to take control  of our country.

We cannot and most not allow this to happen. Winston knew what his was job was back then and as Donald Trump knows today, it will take warrior and not a ''flim flam'' person with no personal skills or dedication to the greater good of the country.

We know who Donald Trump is, HE IS ONE OF US!!

 And when a real warrior was needed, God gave
them Winston Churchill!

America today needs a warrior today and God gave us
Donald Trump! He is one of us!!

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