Saturday, August 10, 2024

democraaats Under Pressure to Win!!: This Means No Holds Barred!

What this actually means, all freedoms that everyone once had are now seen as possible terror tactics for an insurrection, again!! The Constitution has now been suspended!

Freedom of speech as one of the main problems for the Marxists and therefore is watched very closely for any opposition comments about the democraaats with misinformation or disinformation, unless of course you are a member of the ruling class, along with all media and nearly all Marxist liberated democrats which are at the levers of power.

This election in November will be pivotal in that the Marxists, the communists, see this as their last best change to finally establish their hold on the country as they have made great gains over the last 4 years to change the rules of the game, changing the law to say what they want it to say is only the beginning. 

The Marxists need more time to also change the way the population thinks and acts on a more permanent basis. And the best way to do is by that taking control of all seats of power with centralized authority!!!

They are close, very close to doing that and the next president, if it's Kammala with her socialist ideology can make the difference with their consolidation of absolute power for decades if not generations to come.

Case in point. Tulsi Gabbar who left the Marxist democraaat collective to become an Independent was on with Laura Imgram said things that were not flattering to and about Kammala and her Marxist party. 

A week later she found out she was put-on the terrorist watch list. The DOJ has 3 Air Marshalls watch her when she is one Airccraft and watched when in public spaces.

Always vote democraaat - life can be okay in the gulag. It just takes a little time to get used to the food!

And the truth is? Who decides!

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