Monday, August 12, 2024

When Ignorance Is Bliss! : Kamomala for President!!

 So far what we have seen from her stalking points and as a potential commander and chief, leader of the free world that would demand center stage only on Comedy Central. The only downside for her, of course is she would have to be sitting behind a huge desk making decisions about stuff she didn't care about, and or could relate to.

Mayber if it waws about school buses it would be different? Nah!!

She never ever did anything like this as AG in California or as vice priesdent, she just free lanced the job of taking the responsivity for being the second in command for the most powerful job in the world, letting Joe do take the slings and arrows, as she did anything she wanted for the last 4 yeras to make herself look energized and in control, or so she thought.

The reality of course, she is still a loser and brain dead like Joe. She might be even worse than Joe as she is younger, 60 suctioning, and able to display some signs of life at the same time she pushes the country into some sort economic calamity of which she has no idea she has and is still doing.

Always vote democraaat! Comedy Central is about to go out of business!

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