Thursday, August 29, 2024

For democraaats, It's All About Love! : But The Bus Is Not In Love!!

 The democraaats say they love old Joe but having to care him for so many years has been a lift to far and now too heavy. Strangely enough though, the question of the hour remains as to why now did Joe become an anchor around the necks of his handlers? 

Wasn't Joe doing what they told him to do for all those years in the Senate and then as vice president and now as president? He knew all that was required of him was to just be ol' Joe, the crazy and mentally ill buffoon, a laughingstock and a dancing clown for those pulling on the strings.

But all of a sudden, Joe was no longer funny but becoming more than a little scary as he stumbled around pissing his pants or dropping a load in public, he became a lot more than just an old fool. 

He was now a danger to the democraaat party and more importantly the Marxist collective where he might lose the election that would keep him and the collective in power. 

His handlers decided a change was needed! They put the trash out the door!

Old Joe was rejected as a placyer and then ejected from the from
the innersanctum of power. 

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