Saturday, August 17, 2024

Joe Biiyden Explains Being Vexed and Good Health : Really!! (Video)

Yeah, this is beside the point now as the Marxists have thrown him under the bus and relegated him a permanent basement dweller never to be accepted as an actual human being again. He's just an ''also ran'' from the dim past! 

Being, ''Sharp as a tac, alert and knowledgeable speaking to foreign leaders and making difficult decisions that affect us all!'' is no longer enough for democraaat leadership cutting the strings that have been attached making Joe dance to their toon!

Oh yeah, he's still in the White House and in control of the country, he's just not suitable candidate to lead the democraaats to ultimate power again! 

Drooling and wandering around like a sleepwalker was okay for years, but now that X is open for business, Joe is not worth the effort anymore to make him a viable person. That he never was is of no improtance as longer as the democraaat leadership believed he was.

Still, it's fascinating that his fellow Marxist liberated democraaats finally decided he was no longer a player worth protecting from the people's scrutiny.  Being a walking cadaver now is okay to launch nuclear missiles but not run for president as a good democraaat!

''Where's Joe'' the people ask?

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