Tuesday, August 13, 2024

What Happened to Dinosaurs? : No Back-Up Plan!?

If this sounds and looks like something you are hearing and watching on television now from the Marxist liberated democraaats, it's for real. 

The Marxist liberated democraaat collective is a party of drain dead dinosaurs!

They panicked to get rid of their dinosaur, Joe Biiyden, that all of a sudden was exposed to the light of day a useless walking cadaver that they knew for decades was headed for any early melt down, causing the puppet master's to run for a new dancer. But what they got was not what they wanted but because of  the constraints of time made the decision for them.

And they are not happy with what they've got! Another empty pant suit like back in 2016. A brain-dead criminal with a history of corruption as a presidential nominee, and another vice-presidential nominee who lies and cheats his way into the limelight of democraaat politics as the governor of Minnesota.

Barrrack shakes his head in wonder! How in the hell could it go so wrong he says? Everything was going great and then just like that, it all went bad!

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