Friday, August 16, 2024

And Speaking about the Clan? : democraaats Own That Legacy!

 ''Hey, George, how it is going with the membership drive for the clan?! It seems you are having a problem with the army or something!  What are you doing standing in front of a school?''

The smart people in the mainstream media and nearly all
fact checkers demand the democraaats didn't found the clan.

That they funded it and used it as their own against the black
people for decades is lost in the translation. democraaat
history as being racist is legend!

 PolitiFact says the Marxist democraaats are the good guys, not the
white supremist (Republicans)? that have to be guilty, right?! Accept
the history of Republicans is standing in the way of democraaats
trying to make blacks second class citizens. And democraaats are
still using and abusing the black population for their own 

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