Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Democracy Is Dead! : The Collective Is The New Way of Living!

Strange how fast things can change and for the worse even when the world is watching and they know this is not a good thing, and yet they, other remembers of our government were silent and content to just watch wondering how it will play out.

In a matter of just weeks, the entire Marxist liberated democraaat collective, formerly the democrat party, was changed without a single vote from anyone in the party or by the people who vote. The collective's brightest, those at the levers of power that made it happen. 

And perhaps worse, they are all unelected government bureaucrats as well. The new leader of the collective was done on a zoom call! Is that possible? 

Who's running the government? Joe is brain dead, and Kammala is a lost in her drive for the chance of getting real power!

It's another bloodless coup like the one in 2015-16 by the democraaats! Does anyone care how our government is being forced into a political prostitution by Marxist communists?

Divide and conquer!

Kammala says it's true and the media proclaims it as fact!
So, it must be true! 

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