Wednesday, August 28, 2024

''Are You Better Off Today Than 4 Years Ago?'' Ronney Reagan!

 Yes, we are better now than 4 years ago and it's because of Biiydenomics and she Bild Back Better agenda used by Joe Biiyden during his campaign for president. The public loved it and voted for him to make it happen. 

But what's the reality of Joe's plan, his agenda for prosperity?

t worked to perfection for democraaats. And how do I know this, Kamomala tells us over and over again how well Biiydenomics worked to make America a better place to live. She listed all of her accomplishment over the last 4 years when she was vi e president!

The general public roars with their approval!

The media explains to us constantly what giant of 
intellect and accomplishments she is and has to offer.

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