Sunday, August 11, 2024

Who's In Charge of Your Children? : Why Do You Think That?

Why is the trans population so uneasy about who they are that they demand everyone else approve of who and what the claim to be?? Why can't be everyone just be what they want to be and go about their lives unabated.

If you are so uneasy with your own personal life, come to grips with it and find out why. Stop trying to interfere with everyone else's life because you have a problem with your own.

The nest question is how is it that .003% of the population
can demand the other 99,007% must obey to their way of
life even to the point where law enforcement will take 
away your child to have gender altering drugs applied
even as young as 4 years of age.

Why and how is that possible?? 

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