Wednesday, August 21, 2024

What IS The Definition of Zero? : Kamomala Harris!

 After watching a few minutes every now and then just to see what these DNA mutants are up to, it become readily apparent that they exactly who and what they are. These people are not real but some kind of shadowy creatures from the swamps of hell.

Kamomala is known by the company she keeps. Joe Biiyden and Nancy Pelosi! both total losers! Zeros!

Really, they are scary and dangerous to this nation. They have no connection to the rest of the population of this country. They are a separate entity founded on self-identity and corrupt engagement in criminal activity that bodes only bad news for our future.

No wonder a large percentage of the citizens are depressed and frightened for their families and their country. It's better the 70% of the population that believes we are going in the wrong direction.

The Marist liberated communists mean to do us all harm just so they can continue to suck America's life blood out of her to benefit their own well-being and grip on the power to do so.

Kamomala's decree to end taxing tips comes directly from
Donald Trump press conference just a few weeks after he said
that is what he will do if elected.

Truly, to have this absolute audacity to pronounce her plan
end taxing on tips with' absolute clarity and straight faced
is amazingly corrupt and brain dead!!

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