Friday, August 23, 2024

And Here We Go!! : The Postering Is Over! Circle The Wagons!!

 The Media will demand interviews now from Kamomala to explain what and how she will build American back from the damages she did to the country over the last 4 years. No, it wasn't just Old Joe, she was the vice president and as the last person in the room, she was directly involved!

Wait, she just said she won't debate Trump on FOX but maybe on ABC? Maybe? Interviews will be determined later. ''For now, I will just jet around the country showing the little people what I will do for them if they elect me as their leader.

''I have to show them they can trust me. After all I am a woman and that means I can't be questioned as to my purpose and affiliations in the collective and organizations in the country. I'm transparent and fully vetted for my intent for this county and it's people! Forget all the lies that the Republicans have told you about my past, I'm the real deal! What you see is what you get.

''Have I ever lied to you?''

Now it's past time for ''Show and Tell''!!

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