Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Washing Machines and Television Sets! : How Are They Alike?

With campaigns are in full flow, the ''boob tube'' rules the air ways with information that the voter can use to decide how to vote for president. At the same time, one will have ill consequences if improperly used.

But at the same time misinformation, disinformation and outright lies are rampant by those who want your vote as well people who believe in telling you what you know is the truth, but they couldn't care less who or what you are and what your needs are. They are concerned only about the power for control and if they can persuade you to vote for them do to their bidding by convening you to believe their lies and misinformation, they will win the election.

So, it will come down to how much the voter's common sense and their native intelligence will be enough to know the difference between what is real and what is fiction.

Truly, this is what will make the difference on November 5th. We as voters have to decide which is which and then vote to Make America Great Again!!

Alway stay alert to what you see and hear as there are a lot
of  people with dark interests to promote their own
personal advantages for taking power. 

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