Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The democraaat Nominee For President Is What? : The Question That Remains Lurking!!

 Kamomala is the perfect democraaat nominee as she can demonstrate by her past history and present accomplishments, as being a total zero! She has nothing of worth to offer as reasons for the citizens to vote for her other than she's a good democraaat. Listens to reason and does what she is told!

In reality though, that should be enough for the voter to reject her as a future president as she will only be another dancing puppet just like the president we have now, that's on vacation again and asleep on the beach. 

Old Joe was on vacation more then 40% of his term as president.

So who is running the country? Why that's an easy question to answer. It the same people who were running the country for the last 4 years and if Kamomala wins in November, it will be the same ones who will run the country for the foreseeable future.

Ans who are ''They''? The deep state of unelected Marxist liberated democraaats embedded in every agency and department of our government.

Does anyone really know what the truth is and worse
how many among us cares anymore?

I sincerely care the majority does care what happens on
November 5th as it will be our last chance to make
America great again!! The individual voter is not accepted
in the communist state as regiment and therefore relevant
member tof the collective!

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