Wednesday, May 01, 2024

One of Joe's Biggest Problems : All Clowns Can Relate!

 Joe has some of the brightest minds available on this problem for the president. It has been an ongoing problem for most of his life in the Senate and now as President.

Actually, it was a problem when he was going up. This was what happened between Corn Pop and Joe when he as in school and Corn Pop made fun of his problem, forcing Joe to lake Corn Pop out behind the bleachers and beat him with chain! A nasty situation.

Joe Biiyden has had problems like this his whole
life. Although it seems it has gotten worse since he
became president!

''Uah -(well anyway) Uncle Bosie Crashed In New Guinea : - - - He Got Eaten by Canabals - I guess!''(anyway) I gotta pee!''

Voting for someone, Joe Biiyden that is mentally ill from a life of political debauchery and two brain surgeries, is a good thing for the rest of the collective members if he wins, and likely will, so they will have even easier time of directing him to the nearest toilet or lunch counter where he is happiest!

The Russians and Chianese love this guy!

Jane Fonda On Life's Lessons! : But Mental Illness Was A Problem!

Sadly, Jane is the perfect person to explain what it means to have a good life where you can do whatever you want and believe there are no consequences for doing it. Her friends are all involved in the same agenda and ideology. Marist democraaats all!

Being dangerously ignorant isn't a problem for her as it has served her well her entire life in Hollywood and in her travels around the world for the spread of communist socialism. Being an advocate for climate change as well is just another tool to use for taking money from the mentally slow and weak minded.

And even better she now can end her magnificent career in the political arena on one of the biggest scams yet that the democraaats have trotted out, using it to harm and cripple the country is a real plus for her!

Jane, on the decline into a history of a lifetime of mental illness and
                                  political debauchery! Truly, can it get any better than this?

Barrrack : ''Joe Is In The Tank! The Problem is Disinformation!''

With the fear of having their power to screw the country out of everything that isn't tied down and much of what is, the Marxist liberated democraaats are rapidly moving in to save the country and it's way of life from false and dangerous information.

Berry decided he needed to enter the fray this week to explain to the slow witted and ignorant classes why they need a fresh face to guide them to the promised land. A land where the pain you now are suffering is not real but a figment of your inability to separate fact from fiction.

Barrrack says we need a place where things you hear and see can be relied on to be the truth. ''I find in many cases what is out in the media is not what the majority of the public is getting just reflects certain individual's agenda that have a personal stake in information they have to disseminate to the general public which is not conducive to what's actually happening in and around the country''!

Barrrack is very good at telling us what is true and what is false!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Nothing Is Sacred for Marxist democraaats! : Disney Will Change Everything.!

 One the breain has been twisted like a pretzel form too much Marxist Kool-Aid, it leaves only and empty husk to deal with what can be understood to be reality. Disney's move ahead even though most everything have done has failed to deliver the designed results demanded by dark side leadership for the ''fundamental change'' of America's founding!

The most serious part in this sociodrama is how it all has affected the new generations that will be in leadership rolls in the halls of government and how they understand their responsibilities to the country from the ravages of Marxist socialism.

Never mind any of this, just do what we say is true and shut up!

Power In The Hands of An Old Fool! : Four More - - - ? - - -(anyway) Lunchtime?

 Joe Biiyden's history from his earliest days is proof enough he is what he says he is. ''Just good ol' boy from Scranton lookin' for place to land!'' with a need for fun and games. And he has delivered on the statement for the last 50 years leaving in his wake more destruction then most all other democraaat presidents could have dreamed of doing.

Little wonder after his two brain surgeries he is even having the appearance of being anything other than being just subhuman. 

He belongs under constant care in a mental institution, not in the White House as president of The United States!

This could only happen because he's a democraaat! They accept their
leadership to be brain dead. If they started to show signs of common
sense and good logic, they would have to believe they voted for the 
wrong man!

Justice? "We don't Need No Stinkin' Justice, This Is New York!''

Justice is blind in New York. Those at the levers of power, in that once great city, have removed her eyes and preplaced them with politicians who work hard to make the world a better place.

With their proclamations for justice given high above the streets, which they believe to be more efficient in our new WOKE environment, power can be more evenly distributed to the masses.

Sure the Supreme Court said it was unconstitutional, but we understand what they meant, we just have to be bolder to make our points for justice in an age where those with an aggressive agenda can and do make things happen.


Justice now, we believe, can be shown to be
demonstrated as rigorously even handed
were, if they believe they have a right
to speak out with inflammatory rhetoric
about justice, concerning government 
overreach, no one is left out of jail!

Monday, April 29, 2024

Detroit City Council Discussing Plans for Urban Renewal: Citizens Say City Foot-dragging!

(Maybe this is a little tongue in cheek but still interesting!) There is some tension between the city council and the citizens of Detroit about the need for some serious rebuilding projects in the city as it is a disgrace. People would see this and say it looks like the area has been in a war! Someone said it looked like they boomed the hell out it.

Many council members were shocked to hear this from citizens about their living conditions. The council members had no idea that the decay had grown contentious. One member said he drove through that area just last month but didn't see anything that would cause citizens in that area to complain. ''It's always been that way. 

''Why all of a sadden are they complaining now. Come on man, I grew up there!'' said the member.

The city decided that the renewal project would be put on hold as 
the council members didn't see any early need to fix what has been
accepted as okay for decades by citizens living there!

MORE Flashbacks of Nancy Pelosi Answering Press Questions - Drunk!!(Video)

What a perfect example of just what a discussing person she is but a perfect democraaat for the ages!!

Bret Baier (FOX News) Explains 911 Call Problem! (Video)


This is a problem that probably happens more often than you think!

Out From the Shadows and Into the light of Day!!

They are not hiding any longer. They are here and believe their time is now as there isn't anything to stop them. The Biiyden government is in agreement with their agenda and Marxist ideology whether they know it or not to destroy the country as founded. 

Most actually believe they are right in their assumptions America will be better off as a socialist, communist state. They don't know why, they just do! It's in their DNA! They are not like the rest of us who love the country that has given us everything!

Joe Biiyden and his closest associates, they aren't friends as they have no friends, they hate each other as much as they hate themselves!

 And know this, all democraaat members of the House of Representatives and the Senate are sitting the same pew of the church of Marxist socialism as well! 

Our schools are now radicalized to accept the concept of a single
ruling force for all people and situations. The ideology of 
centralized power to rule!

Ever wonder why they hate him so much? Sadly, the entire
progressive collective is now being transformed by Donald Trump's
success to make America a safe and livable place which they never
believed he could as they lied and cheated to stop him.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

The General Population IS Uninformed or Ill-informed or Both?

Or willingly politically stupid! That segment of the population is a danger to themselves and others who wonder how they got to be that way!

America, our great nation deserves better than that! And how horrible it will be when most of us who love the country and have to watch her slide into oblivion because the person next to us in the bread line didn't understand what it would be like to be forced to live without the freedom to choose!!

And the scariest part is they have no idea why they're standing in a bread line just to have something to eat!!!

John Adams:

 ''A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it is a prologue to a farce,  or a tragedy, or both!''

democraaats Founded the Klan! : Now They Are Called ''Antifa''!

As most of you know the democraaats are the founders of the Klan from the 1930's to stop black people from voting, attacking them physically and worse killing thousands in the process. In general, they want to keep them as minority servant people in the society that democraaats believe they own.

That belief hasn't change that much to this day. The white sheets are still used in some cases to demonstrate their heritage accomplishments to those who wish to join their group activities.

But at the same time, they have moved to disguise their intentions by moving from the white sheets to black pants and jackets and of course still covering their faces! Their agenda and ideology is still the same but not just blacks are targeted now but all people of color! 

They hate everyone that might stand in their way of achieving their goal of the power over others. Are these the new Klan? Antifa? democraaats are and will always be who they say and demonstrate they are. 

Why not believe them and act accordingly!?

The Klan is now splintered into being called ''Antifa''. Their slogan 
 states they are anti Fascists. In reality they are based on an
agenda and ideology of the Marxist far left communists!

Back in the day they were actively working to block black people 
from voting by any means necessary. Their efforts are historic!

Again, many have moved away from the sheets into the open 
form of deomocraaat representatives of congress! Even so, they
have become bolder in their appearance, their agenda and 
ideology hasn't!

Run-a-Away Electric Lawnmower : Whatz Next!!??

 This seems anecdotical. (Heh) But this does look like this guy is serious about taking to heart the nonsenses of electric everything as demanded by people who want to do bad things to our country for personal reasons! 

Still, if one did witness this event would have to believe all is not well in the neighborhood!!

Biiydenomics Will Break The Backs of Voters? : Corporations Will Have to Make Changes!

The big corporate masters are going to have to make some difficult decisions concerning the bottom line when Biiydenomics becomes a reality if Joe wins again in November! 

And even if he loses and Trump takes power, the changes he will make will bring pressure of corporations to take steps to reinvent their business plan that includes actually have to meet the demand of the people instead of their betters in the Marxist liberated democraaat collective.

The good thing if Trump wins, the corporations won't have to fork over as much campaign funds to the democraaat collective.

The aftershocks will be interesting if Biiyden
loses. Actually, we are seeing the beginnings of
the adjustment as the market begins to fall into
new and darker places.

Remember the Health Care Mandate? : Now The New Mandate Is Taking A Knee!!

 Stalin had something to say about what others are going to have to give up just keep breathing. This is what the Marxist liberated democraaats had in mind with the mandate in health care, It was a starting point to eventually have total control of all outcomes.

One step at a time taking more and more of everything. Like the frog in the pot of water, swimming around singing, so far so good! That is until the heat is applied to the water!!!

Many will say that's nonsense but look at what has transpired with the demand for renewable energy. All electric cars, no more gas stoves, furnaces or hot water heaters. Oh yeah, and NO more electricity on demand! Fossil energy is a thing of the past!

But that's okay for millions of good democraaats living in the trenches like the rest of us, they just can't seem wait until they are told what to say, what to eat, what to think and when and where to travel. 

Travel? Where do you want to go?  Downtown or the next county. That's the limits even with permission as the car won't and can't go any further than that without a charge and that's only every three days!

A little refresher on Stalin's thoughts on who can do what and when! His philosophy and therefore law, ''Each according to one's need and from each according to one's ability''! (democraaats love this!)

Final, no more worries about what to do next!!!!!

Sorry, all this stuff about having to give up things so
others can have more doesn't include our betters who
make the rules. Just the little people!

Hey Michelle, do you like your country now?

Saturday, April 27, 2024

What A Great Legacy : Was The Third Term The Charm? More to Come?

The real cool part is after all of the great accomplishments he had, and he did do great things as the historians are already writing the books to prove it, the damage done to the nation is catastrophic.

And as the new world order is finally coming into view as Barrrack is now dreaming about a 4th term in office when old Joe stumbles, carried back into the White House, to seal Barrrack's prophesy for the country's fate as a third world socialist cesspool.

Hey Berry, not yet! The job is almost complete.

After 6 years in office, he admitted that the reason why the
country was failing, they lied about how bad the country was
when I took office.

And the audience cheered and applauded the brilliance!!

Looking Back At Foreign Policy Decisions! : Who Was In Charge!?

 History is a Stange bed fellow when one takes a few minutes to try and understand what motivates our leadership to do the things they do without the slightest sense of caring what the consequences will be or are in real time!

hmmmm? Benghazi?  What is that? Secretary of State was dumbfounded by the events. ''I know nothing about some stinkin' arms deal!! What difference does it make anyway!!''

Not much to see here as it appears the ambassador is dead!
So what! Let's move on! What's for lunch?

The White House gang was all there in their happy place,
 wondering just what the hell is going on! Of course, they
all knew but just the secretary of state what she thought
was a big deal to make a few bucks on the side went 

Clean-Up Crew Questioned! : Who Does The Hiring?

 The party was a big success as many of the participants were still milling around until the wee hours of the morning. 

Later that morning when the crew we hired to take care of the mess left behind by the crowd, we observed this situation, and we were not pleased. 

Thus, we photographed one of the workers that came with the other crew members began cleaning the fire pit (grill?) which we thought wasn't what we had in mind.

We are still waiting for some explanation for this extraordinary method for getting our grill cleaned!

Curiosity Can Be Good for Leaning! : But Sometimes Problems Arise!

Fear not for what you think is real, isn't only your imagination! Hey, it really isn't that difficult to get along with our friends out in nature's living space. But who is where and who's space is it?

All that's required is having a little face to face discussion as to who is in charge!

''Hi guy, don't mind me, I'm just watching what's going on here
before mom comes to get me.''

Friday, April 26, 2024

How Cats win Everytime! : The Fight Results Never In Question! (Video)

This is great! And if you have ever delt with a cat in a contested situation, you know you will probably lose the battle! 

The Genius of Gary Larson : He Knows Everything There Is to Know!

 This is so good it takes my breath away! There are others of course that reach this level of genius but this is one at or near the top!!


And A Child Will Lead Them!

 Maybe it might be better than what we have now!?

The Perfect Picture of Republicans In Congress : No Guts and No Glory!

 As Marxist liberated democraaats always vote as a solid block, never any find a reason to object to how they are told to vote issues, but the Republicans can be relied on the fold the tents and go home when the hard task of making sure the country is well served by their election to congress.

They campaigned with those words ''I'll fight for you'' in the halls of congress to make your lives better. Again, what really happens is they fold their collective hands, sit back and worry about what the media will say if they actually take a stand for what is right and what they said they would do if elected. 

If the truth be known, one has to wonder just how many people running for government jobs as Republicans but in reality, are actually democraaats? Just asking?

Having the democraaats eat the Republican's lunch every
day is okay. It's just who they are!

A Man For All Seasons! - Joe Biiyden : What Could Go Wrong!?

 Goodness, the best question is what couldn't go wrong! And even more to the point, what hasn't gone wrong in our country with Joe and his Marxist liberated democraaat friends pulling on the strings to make Joe dance.

Sadly, he dances like he has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel! The man is death walking. He belongs in a rest home with constant care, not at the ultimate levers of power.

So, who is pulling on the strings and what is their purpose? And why isn't this more obvious to so many voters that still are lining up to vote for him and the other democraaats on the ballot? Once elected, they all vote in a block to the man and woman. There are no independent democraaat members in congress!

Joe's motto has always been to ride the train of good times
and fast living. Takes whatever he wants from anyone that
 happens to cross his path. He understands our capitalist
 system and makes the best use of it to enrich himself no
matter how unlawful.

Everything is about himself and how to benefit from
his 50-year life in government employment. Nothing!!
The country be dammed!!

Has he ever been fact checked on and in the mainstream
media, ever? Was he fact checked by a ''panel of experts''
during the state of the Union speeches like they did for
President Trump?

dah! Of course not, he's a democraaat and what ever
he says is okay as he and they have nothing else to offer
the people other than a fantasy of what they have
accomplished when they are in power. There is no
connection to real life.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Reagan's STAR WARS, ABM Program Worked ! Joe, ''ABM? What's That?''

 And speaking of dim bulbs! Once the brain has become petrified, there isn't much that can be done to save the rest of the body. All that's left is a walking cadaver like thing that's of little use to anyone.

Joe - ''ABM? Anti-Ballistic Missile? Is that a new ice cream?''

But never mind any of that, this is an election season so no matter how insane the democraaats look and act, vote anyway like you always do even if it means you risk self-destruction! 

The mentally ill do not have a mind of their own!

The country again is heading into a place where we might not
escape if the voters are lost and blinded in the forest to
actually see the trees. It's important to find
their way to safety!

One Thing We Know, democraaats Aren't Racists : Just Republicans!!

 Who are the democraaats? What are they saying on TV now when the talk about people wearing white robes and marching for Donald Trump? But it's called projection. Saying what others are doing but it's actually what they are doing instead. Deflecting their own criminal activities on to others.

What is the truth if you're interested. This is what the democraaats are all about and always have been!!!

The democraaats are running scared. Their only
alternative now for not having ethics and any
moral standing is to lie about everything
but do it louder and more profane than 
ever before!

Dressed to kill America just like their predecessors did!

And now you know the rest of the story! democraaats voting f
or what they believe is best for everyone! (Well, not everyone!!)

Are Republicans a voice crying in the wilderness?

Vote for democraaats! : The Population Deserves Less!

Just imagine how much fun it will be when you go to the grocery store and leave with your basket looking like this when the kids see you coming back to their wagon? (You don't have a car as there isn't any gas and no electricity either this week to charge the car! It's only turned on every other week!)

Do you like to eat? If you do, don't vote democraaat, ever!!

When you wake up in the gutter shortly after voting democraaat,
just remember that face your friend gave you when you
went to him asking how come I'm starving, living
on the street and you aren't?

You don't have to be stupid just because you think there
isn't an alternative!

Why Not Vote For Joe? : How Bad Can It Get!?

 As he staggers into the Oval Office of The White House, drooling, stumbling and mumbling about he didn't want to get up this morning and go to work even though it was only 10am, he says he's still tired.

''Come on man, this isn't what I signed up for. My whole life has been a cake walk up to this point in time, doing anything I wanted to do no matter what and nobody said a word about it to me, no matter much trouble I cause doing and saying stupid and dangerous stuff. 

''Come on ,ya gotta vote for me cause I want to die in office. How cool would that be, people coming from all over the world saying what a great man I was! I did so much for everyone. Everyone will say they loved me! They'll say it's really too bad he's gone!''

But the alternative for Joe if he losses the election is living the rest of his life close to the ice cream machine at the Sunny Rest Hotel in Scranton! Not bad for 81 years of doing nothing of consequence.

(And if he wins and then resigns because it's has beocme too difficult to get out of bed, then enter country will find out as Kaamla Harris takes her place at the levers of power what's it like living in a dumpster behind Walmart!)

Reports say Joe sent an open invitation to come to dinner at the
White House to the tribe of people that he believed had is
uncle for dinner. That's only fair, right?

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

What's The Perceptive For Marxist democraaats?? : It's All About the Agenda! WOKE!!

The ''squad'' members are not in congress to help the people of this country obtain a better life, but they are all there to steal our freedom and liberty and install a new communist manifesto for controlling all outcomes for their own personal benefit!

All, everyone ofl them, Marxist liberated democraaats in congress today, are willing to take a stand for the destruction of our Constitution as it stands in the way for their cause for their ultimate control.

They must have this behavior for their very sense of existence.

 Insane politicians are that way because they don't have
any alternative options to change their destructive
and criminal life style!

The Public Understands Who You Really Are Joe? : ''The Sign Said F - - Biiyden! What Does It Mean?''

 Again, this is the perfect identifier for who can't believe he really is and a total fairlure in life and politics.  But millions are about to reelect him anyway, to lead them into hells own sewer and they applaud!!

''Show us the way Joe, we're ready for more of the corruption, chaos, conflict and a shallow early grave! We love you Joe''!

A moment of truth rises to the surface in a life of failure.
And maybe even better, he admits it in public!!

Bidenomics Perfectly Identifies His Life Itself! : An Abject Failure to Deliver!

No matter where one looks, Joe Biiyden is a total failure, as a leader or a human being as he believes he can and has done things that hurt people without any compunction of feelings for the human condition of others.

Life for Joe Biiyden only about what Joe Biiyden wants and how to get it!

Joe's history, as we have pointed out on many occasions is one which demonstrates his total lack of self-awareness. He moves from one identifying circumstance to another from when he entered politics in Delaware leaving behind little or no representations that would make clear he is a capable and responsibly qualified person of the people in his district.

Even when he admits to what he has accomplished over the decades, he lies constantly about everything no matter the subject. whether it's his few jobs outside of politics, his schooling, law school, or actually work accomplishments as vice president, it's all just a make-believe story of rewarding himself with unearned privilege and success that never came his way.

Joe Biiyden has nothing whatsoever he can point to where he, by his own efforts, accomplished a public good from his 50 plus years of government service employment.

The man is the perfect definition of an empty suit! And yet and again millions will vote for him!!!!

But why?

Joe siting in one place his whole life, going nowhere but
believing he is a man of the world! He believes if you're 
going to dream, dream big!
 ''Come on man, no joke! I'm President of the United States,
the most powerful country in the world.
Hey, so where's my ice cream?''

What is Actually Happening With democraaats In Power : They Killed Democracy!!

 ''Come on man, no joke'', it called projection! Everything the Marxist democraaats are doing to destroy the country, they blame on the Republicans or the ''far right'' Conservative's!

Sadly, millions are believers as all of their information comes from the legacy media, virtually all media other than FOX and Newsmax! There are some social media outlets that do hold hte line for independent thought.

But how much of the insanity is really getting into the brains of the average citizen? Many are afraid to admit they have independent ideas that are not part of the mainstream WOKE agenda! The fear is real as there many among us who will do anything to make sure the entire country must think like they do!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

New York City, The ''Gray Lady'' Descends Further Into A democraaat Morass of Corruption!

Many believe there isn't any way to save that once great city from destruction. There isn't any common sense or good logic to shore up the economy and rule of law. Everything is based on what each person can take or steal from others.

Is it any wonder that it is completely controlled by democraaats, over 90% of those citizens vote democraaat. A sanctuary city for criminals from around the world. Hell's own sewer. 

How come?

WOW! The once proud ''Gray Lady'' is now just a whore for the Marxist liberated democraaats! How sad a thing as this could happen to once the grandest city in the world!

The Best And Brightest Among Us! : We Hate You -But First - - - !

 Ol' Joe is in a pickle these days over what and who he should buy to get votes! Everyone seems to have a different opinion on who he is and what does he stand for, if anything other than a good ice cream cone.

And then there are those he thought were on his side have decided they want him gone and even worse are telling him to go F- - - himself and flipping him the bird! 

This sort of thing is not in the script for democraaats winning election. Now it will come down to how many ballots we can control and when to release them into the system, much like they did in 2020.

Remember Joe was losing by huge amounts but after 48 hours of counting votes, he won! 

Who knew?

Most everybody wants something for their efforts. Still, many
more want something and deliver nothing in return that will
 help democraaats take elections.

Flash Back to George Bush's Quick Press Discussion : ''I Don't Like You!''

 Here is a flash back photo of George Bush expressing is disrespect for the democraaats in congress who constantly badger him for answers on subject he probably had already told them what he knows and or what actually did for solutions.

But the Marxists want him to do it all over again hoping he will say something that contradicts what he said previously giving them an opportunity to attack him.

So it makes good sense that he addresses the swine from congress the way he did. He was just showing how he really feels concerning a pack of losers!

Monday, April 22, 2024

What's New Under The Sun? : Hitler is Alive and Well!!!

Ask any democraaat what they believe about Republicans! The true face of Marxist liberated democraaats is and always has been nothing less than abject hate for anything or anyone that stands in the way of them getting and keeping the power for control of others.


It's clear, in the new age of hatred that's manifested in the media to destroy our country as founded on the principle of the freedom to choose one's own destiny, democraaats move without shame leaving only destruction and pestilence in their wake!

It's a necessity for the Marxist democraaats to explain that anyone who believes they are free has to be Hitler or worse, a Republican and Conservative spuing vial nonsense about living free from oppression!

The democraaats are always the same no matter
what anyone says about them, they always hate us
and what we represent, the freedom to chose!


George, as he heads to the helicopter, leaving
office for the last time, tells the media what he
really thinks about them!!

Ol' Joe Loves Being Presdent : Life Is Good!

 As history is usually a teller of stories about people in power, but most of the time they, the media of all kinds have been turned to the dark side of foregoing their duty to just report the news, manages the news to fit their agenda and ideology of Marxist, communist socialism.

They manufacture the news. They lie much easier than having to tell the truth as their souls, after decades of believing it's their duty to ''fundamentally change'' the country to fit what they now believe is true, living the life in a bubble away from the people.

And even the historians are corrupted along with the powerful writing the history to fit their manufactured narrative where living on your knees is okay as long as it isn't those in control!

Taking Over Where Others Have Departed! : The Need Is Still There?

 Hillary seems to enjoy this as she was late to the party. May she wasn't invited? Still, some say she never volunteered as a participant. She was always busy clean up the mess left behind.

But it didn't matter to her as the job was filled with a other volunteers.

Bill loves the idea but not from someone with
such big teeth!

The Fau Ci Understands Government Service! : Highest Paid!

 Here is the salary schedule for The Fau Ci across the years and how once the communists took power, he suddenly got a lot more financial support for services he told those at the levers of power he could deliver and did!!

There truly is no end to the criminal abuse of our nation from those who hate us for being who we are! A free people with the protection of a document from 250 years ago written by a bunch of old white guys!!

The question now is how in the hell have we lasted this long given the monsters that are in power today who want to enslave us to their agenda and ideolog where they control all outcomes?

Dogs ARE Smart : They Understand We Have No Clue! (Video)

 Okay! Let's start the day and week with a video of a dog doing something that most politicians couldn't! Actually figuring out what the problem is and the executing the solution!!!!!

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Freedom Means Having Nothing Else to Lose! : Vote Like You Know This!

 The choice is clear, if you believe our country is doing well and if it fails completely to deliver a better life than what you experienced 4 years ago with Donald Trump for your personal freedom and prosperity, will you admit before God and man it was your fault for being ignorant and compliant to others who believe they are in control of you and your family!!

It really is that simple! When you have lost everything of worth, the freedom, to chose, living in a cardboard box, will you admit it was because you voted for the wrong person!?

Donald Trump Believes In The American Dream! : God Bless America! (Video)

Why do the Marxist liberated democraaats hate this country that has given them everything they have? Is it the same reasons they hate Donald Trump because he believes this country is the best place in the world to live and prosper.

Do the Marxist democraaats hate Trump because he is one of the majority of citizens that believe the same thing!?

There is only one God of faith and we as citizen believe He is here to guide us threw the best and worst of times. The god of government cannot do that and Donald Trump is a believer as well. Just another reason for Marxist liberated democraaats to hate him and the country!

We as citizens know he, Donald Trump is one of us!!

Who Would Actually Vote for Pestilence and Porverty? : Millions of democraaats!

 Ask any democraaat what happens when all of the rhetoric doesn't pan out like the democraaats say has and will be and even better if Joe Biiyden is reelected for 4 more years.

The good democraaat voter knows from past history when they realize our country is in the sewer with democraaats at the levers of power for 4 years, it has to be the fault of Republicans and that dam Donald Trump. 

The good democraaats just know this is true, it has to be, no matter what anyone says differently, it just has to be as the democrat leadership told us they did everything they can to make our lives better but the Republican stood in their way.

Again, as the new excuses have come full circle, economic disaster in the country was worse than what Trump said it actually was when he left office 4 years ago.

He lied!

democraaats will never look in the mirror to see who is actually at fault for misery and poverty!!