Thursday, May 02, 2024

Hunter Biiyden for President In 2024! (Video)

I wonder if merit is the most important aspect on which we should elect our next leader, then maybe Hunter is our guy! The guy is really qualified on domestic and foreign policy!

Dam! How come we didn't see this coming?

Where IS Hunter Biiyden?? : What Has Joe Done?


Inquiring minds want to know what happen to Hunter? We haven't seen hide nor hair of the golden boy for weeks now. What's happened, what has changed in the family circumstances that he has gone to ground where even FOX News can't find him or maybe no one wants him front and center on the 6 o'clock news!?

With the entire country being on fire these days, as well as the entire world because democraaat's power grab has mediatized into adject failures, ol'Joe and the Marxist communists don't want any more bad news to muddy the election waters any more than they already are.

The saying is correct, 'you can run but you can't hide from inquiring minds'!

The Biiyden family has gone to the mattresses
to protect what's left of their integrity, that is if
they had any before! Now the family is running
scared they might be turned out into the cold next

Calvin : Sports Are Too Complicated - Too Confusing!

 Calvin has it figured out down to the last penny! Life must be reduced to what really matters!

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

One of Joe's Biggest Problems : All Clowns Can Relate!

 Joe has some of the brightest minds available on this problem for the president. It has been an ongoing problem for most of his life in the Senate and now as President.

Actually, it was a problem when he was going up. This was what happened between Corn Pop and Joe when he as in school and Corn Pop made fun of his problem, forcing Joe to lake Corn Pop out behind the bleachers and beat him with chain! A nasty situation.

Joe Biiyden has had problems like this his whole
life. Although it seems it has gotten worse since he
became president!

''Uah -(well anyway) Uncle Bosie Crashed In New Guinea : - - - He Got Eaten by Canabals - I guess!''(anyway) I gotta pee!''

Voting for someone, Joe Biiyden that is mentally ill from a life of political debauchery and two brain surgeries, is a good thing for the rest of the collective members if he wins, and likely will, so they will have even easier time of directing him to the nearest toilet or lunch counter where he is happiest!

The Russians and Chianese love this guy!

Jane Fonda On Life's Lessons! : But Mental Illness Was A Problem!

Sadly, Jane is the perfect person to explain what it means to have a good life where you can do whatever you want and believe there are no consequences for doing it. Her friends are all involved in the same agenda and ideology. Marist democraaats all!

Being dangerously ignorant isn't a problem for her as it has served her well her entire life in Hollywood and in her travels around the world for the spread of communist socialism. Being an advocate for climate change as well is just another tool to use for taking money from the mentally slow and weak minded.

And even better she now can end her magnificent career in the political arena on one of the biggest scams yet that the democraaats have trotted out, using it to harm and cripple the country is a real plus for her!

Jane, on the decline into a history of a lifetime of mental illness and
                                  political debauchery! Truly, can it get any better than this?

Barrrack : ''Joe Is In The Tank! The Problem is Disinformation!''

With the fear of having their power to screw the country out of everything that isn't tied down and much of what is, the Marxist liberated democraaats are rapidly moving in to save the country and it's way of life from false and dangerous information.

Berry decided he needed to enter the fray this week to explain to the slow witted and ignorant classes why they need a fresh face to guide them to the promised land. A land where the pain you now are suffering is not real but a figment of your inability to separate fact from fiction.

Barrrack says we need a place where things you hear and see can be relied on to be the truth. ''I find in many cases what is out in the media is not what the majority of the public is getting just reflects certain individual's agenda that have a personal stake in information they have to disseminate to the general public which is not conducive to what's actually happening in and around the country''!

Barrrack is very good at telling us what is true and what is false!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Nothing Is Sacred for Marxist democraaats! : Disney Will Change Everything.!

 One the breain has been twisted like a pretzel form too much Marxist Kool-Aid, it leaves only and empty husk to deal with what can be understood to be reality. Disney's move ahead even though most everything have done has failed to deliver the designed results demanded by dark side leadership for the ''fundamental change'' of America's founding!

The most serious part in this sociodrama is how it all has affected the new generations that will be in leadership rolls in the halls of government and how they understand their responsibilities to the country from the ravages of Marxist socialism.

Never mind any of this, just do what we say is true and shut up!

Power In The Hands of An Old Fool! : Four More - - - ? - - -(anyway) Lunchtime?

 Joe Biiyden's history from his earliest days is proof enough he is what he says he is. ''Just good ol' boy from Scranton lookin' for place to land!'' with a need for fun and games. And he has delivered on the statement for the last 50 years leaving in his wake more destruction then most all other democraaat presidents could have dreamed of doing.

Little wonder after his two brain surgeries he is even having the appearance of being anything other than being just subhuman. 

He belongs under constant care in a mental institution, not in the White House as president of The United States!

This could only happen because he's a democraaat! They accept their
leadership to be brain dead. If they started to show signs of common
sense and good logic, they would have to believe they voted for the 
wrong man!

Justice? "We don't Need No Stinkin' Justice, This Is New York!''

Justice is blind in New York. Those at the levers of power, in that once great city, have removed her eyes and preplaced them with politicians who work hard to make the world a better place.

With their proclamations for justice given high above the streets, which they believe to be more efficient in our new WOKE environment, power can be more evenly distributed to the masses.

Sure the Supreme Court said it was unconstitutional, but we understand what they meant, we just have to be bolder to make our points for justice in an age where those with an aggressive agenda can and do make things happen.


Justice now, we believe, can be shown to be
demonstrated as rigorously even handed
were, if they believe they have a right
to speak out with inflammatory rhetoric
about justice, concerning government 
overreach, no one is left out of jail!