Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Kamomala Explains Her Economic Agenda! : Maybe Her Ideology?

There's no mistaking her plans for a different America then the one we are currently living with now heading into an economic failure to deliver even modest retunes for a prosperous existence and which will be much worse. 

What we have now is failure at all levels of the economic structure and Kamomala's plan to double down on that failure with even higher spending plans causing inflation to spiral completely out of control.

She is masquerading as the perfect Marxist liberated democraaat bring strong plans for control and organization for bringing back the Ameria we all know and love. But in reality, want she wants is totally different than what our Constitution says is and are willing solutions.

Remember what she and her vice president nominee Gov. Walz have stated on many occasions, that everyone must be no better off than anyone one else, we all must be not just equal but Equitable. She will govern with diversity, equality and inclusion.

Stalin said, ''To each according to their needs and From each according to their abilities!'' Sound familiar?

Are you scared yet for our country?

Why vote for moer pain and suffering?

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