Saturday, August 10, 2024

Joe Says He's Not Done Yet! : Pelosi Says Different! You're Finished!!

 And then one has to ask, 'Who the hell is in charge of our country? Who's making the necessary decisions to protect the country from domestic and foreign adversaries?' 

Probably no one that really cares about what happens to the country or the people in it. For the Marists liberated democraaats it has never been about the country, it has always been party and ideology first and foremost. 

They, the people aren't good for anything other than paying their taxes and dying in wars, so those at the levers of power can get what they want for themselves, the absolute power of control. It just has to be that way. 

For democraaat, there is no other option. The people be dammed!!

And if that isn't bad enough, Nancy Pelosi told Joe Biiyden, ''You are no longer the president of the United States, you are not an asset for the democraaats to get more power and therefore,'' she told him, ''You are not longer needed as president, you're finished. Stay in your basement and shut up or bad things will happen to you! We'll invoke The Twenty Fifth Amendment against you destroying your legacy!!''

It worked! We now have Kammala coming our way! Don't you feel better now??

Always vote democraaat. Making life shorter is a a good thing!

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