Saturday, August 24, 2024

Who IS This Guy Anyway? : Okay, Up Against The Walz, Punk!

His nick name tells us everything we need to know as to who the guy is. As governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz signed an execrative order to install female Gentilella products in school's grades 4th through high schools for girls AND boys.

So, it just makes good sense to nick name him ''Tampon Tim''!  Now that nick name is part of the culture around the country.

Truly, along with his other incredible lunatic ideas for being ''woke'', complying with the worst aspects of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, DEI, we find Tim to be everything that's insane.

But why are we baffled by his behavior, he's just another perfect Marxist liberated democraaat!

Tampon Tim, a lunatic for the ages! A democraaat!

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