Monday, August 19, 2024

What Does It Mean to Be A Communist? : Giving Up Being Relevant!

Those in the Marxist liberated democraaat collective believe that it will be an easy sell to convince the voters that Kamomala is here to help the country become safer and more prosperous place by voting her in as president of the United States?

As we are bombarded every day by her history of advocating for a Marxist socialist agenda, where she and her friends would be what's needed to repair the damage she and her friends did over the last 4 years to the country.

Sound like no one would buy into such a disastrous proposal but millions are ready and willing to do just that. But this is not new, as back in 1776. many people fought to remain under the wings of mother England.

So here we are, fighting again to choose freedom and not enslavement. Time to decide what's important, life living on your knees or ''life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness''!!??

She has no choice in the matter, but we do and it
is our duty to make the right decision if only for
her sake!

When did the Marist liberated democraaat party become
a socialsit collective? And why would anyone want to be
enslave to it?

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