Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Who Voted For Pestilence and Failure? Run-Away Crime and Poverty?

The race is on, and the people are ready to decide the direction of the country for the next several decades if not the next several generations of citizens?

Hopefully so but maybe not!

This election is pivotal for the very existence of our 250-year heritage as a freedom nation with liberty and justice for all if the vote goes the wrong way. We will be a neo-communist state just like California is right now. We see it very day on TV how it's major cities are not safe and littered with failure of all kinds for the citizens.

If you aren't scared yet, know this, millions of citizens are ready to accept the mental and physical control of others. And worse, they have no idea with it means to lose their freedom. It has never happened before. The ''magic phone'' generation is ready to take a knee!

What America will look like is easy to understand for those that want the individual freedom to choose their own destinies and not have to accept rulings from people far away who really don't care what you want. They don't know you even exist!

As I have stated here on several occasions in the pasted, when the enviable crash comes leaving a majority of the population in varying states of poverty and pestilence, they will not know why their America is no longer there to serve their needs. They will not understand how or why they are now living in a dumpster behind Wal Mart. 

It sure can't the voter's fault!

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