Sunday, August 25, 2024

Breaking The Law IS Wrong : But If It's Government, It's Okay?

 Look no further than the FBI's protection of the Biiyden family during the 2020 election for president where they knew Hunter Biiyden's laptop was a ''turning point'' in the election for Trump but they, the FBI, sat on it for more than a year refusing to release it to the public.

The emergency was a Republican might win the election! democraaats must not allow that to happen!

And if the wasn't enough, how about the bloodless coup during the election of 2016 by democraaats staging attacks on everyone and every department of Trump admiration.  And how about the two impeachments with no foundation in facts for that tragedy of lawless criminal use of government agencies!!! 

Both were found by the courts to be with criminal intent by democraaats, especially speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi and FBI directors Jame Comey and Robert Muller. But hey, who cares, they're democraaats!

But that's not all, the landscape is littered with examples where democraaats said their criminal activity to destroy a sitting president and to overthrow his government was legitimist because Donald Trump's success to save the country from default was an emergency, the democraaats had to remain in power to save democracy.

And what about the Covid emergency? Who was held accountable? The Fau Ci?  nah!!

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