Friday, August 30, 2024

Communist Party Members Live Large! : Citizens Live In Poverty!

Ask anybody that says they will vote democraaat, why will you do that, they say will do that because Kamomala is a woman and Trump is mean and vengeful.

But when you follow up with which one has been successful for the nation to prosper, they stumble or refuse to answer. It's not about substance, it about emotion.

They appear to be happy living in ignorance. It's just easier for them than to have to ask substantive questions and then have to decide what's true and what's false is just too difficult.  In truth, they really don't care. They rely on their DNA to make decisions for them.

Will these be the people who decide the election?

Kamomala told us over and over again who she really is
and it's not about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!!

Choose with no regret!

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