Thursday, August 29, 2024

Kimmel's Guest Displays What's Lurking In The Shadows! : ''The JOKER'' Is For Real!!

Jimmy never thought he would be put into a position where even his audience found his guest frightening and disembodied, that is, she was seen as not a real person but only a mirage, an evil specter floating about unimpeded but menacingly foreboding.

Her laughter was as unsettling as when one wakens from their worst nightmare but then even worse realizing it not just a nightmare, it's for real!!

She knows where she came from and where she wants to go,
but the journey is becoming more difficult than she thought.
Many of the fools who joined her are finding reasons not
to believe!

                                                                          The Joker!

Evil is that evil does! He says one thing but makes a joke
by disarming you with his clever rhetoric and then
strikes you down to your knees while you both are laughing

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