Tuesday, August 06, 2024

What Does It Mean? : In The Tank AND Out of The Loop? Who Me??

Government agencies that are dedicated to ''by any means necessary'' remain in power will and have done their best to stop the one person that really can and does threaten their personal grip on power.  

Many have talked about what is going on in our government as being, ''The enemy of the people,'' but no one else has the gravitas of character, the magnetism of personality to make the difference to drive the evil from our country other than Donald Trump.

Evil you say? What does that mean? When the director of the United States Secret Service sat before congress to testify on what happened, an attempted assignation of candidate for the presidency on her watch as director, was seen as totally under control, showing no signs of pressure for her to answer the most important questions in her life, little is left to wonder why!!

The only answer is she was ready and willing to take the fall for a situation she had to know could and would happen given the right circumstances were in place. She was ready!

They did come together in that farmer's field on July 13, 2024, when the shots that nearly killed Donald Trump was allowed to happen!!! She knew then it was her duty, to the collective, to fall on her sword as an active and faithful member in good standing.

I'm sure she will be well rewarded!

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