Tuesday, August 06, 2024

But It's Much Worse Than That!! : Seriously, It's By Design?

 When all else fails to get the desired results, the strong have to step forward and make the right decision at the right time. The weak and indecisive must step aside!!

But providence was a factor that the strong failed calculate into the situation and therefore was to a factor that soiled the results. Who knew such a factor could actually take place. Baffling!

So, what's next to make sure the opponent is naturalized? What more could or can we do to ensure positive results. Is ''chance'' the only alternative?

Wait a minute, a new candidate? Worse than the first one? ''Come on man, it wasn't my fault!!''

What did they know and when did they know it?

Yeah well, see what is else is on TV.  No one really cares,
it was just Trump, no one of any consequence!

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