Tuesday, August 20, 2024

What Is More Scary? : A Fiction or A Non-Fiction Kamomala? Both?

 WOW, it looks like we are saved from a fate worse than 4 more years of Donald Trump! Kamomala brings a woman's touch to a nation in chaos. The headlines tell us she is someone who will take us by the hand and lead us to a land of milk and honey. It looked like we have nowhere to go but down.

Hey, I feel better already. hmmmmm

But wait a minute, what about all these other reports having a different take on her ability to govern. They say she is a far-left Marxist communist from California. What does that mean for the rest of us who just want to be left alone? Big government making all decisions for everyone?

The President of the United States, ''Come on man, that's crazy stuff. She was my vice president for - - years and - - - well, any way she liked yellow buses and stuff - - yeah, something like that.! Didn't she have something to do with our border with Augustan? - - wait, where am I today? Who are you?''

Will the real Kamomala stand up and confess!

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