Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Plan Worked Perfectly? : Covid Was Textbook Perfect!

Of course, the book they often reference is Saul Alinsky's ''Rules for Radicals'' for directions on to advance the communist agenda and ideology when the Marxist liberated democraaats need more guidance on how to drive the entire population into gulags of fear and pestilence.

As was discussed in the past here, the damage to the country from the Covid pandemic scare was worse than both world wars combined for America. 

 And The Fau Ci personally must take the responsibility for the damage especially to the children that will never be the same from the closedown of the public schools. He said it will slow the curve for helping to slow the spread that he knew from the outset it would be nonstarter, a useless effort as the virus will run it course in adults but have little or no effect on young people!

Herd immunity?

The Fau Ci knew this, but it was a great tool for control of the population and redistribution of wealth into the hands of those that deserve it and can use it to better effect than the general population!

He means government!

The democraaats are in control!

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