Thursday, August 22, 2024

Honesty Is A Good Policy! : Explaining Your Failures, Openly! The DNC!!

 Again, watching the democraaat convention for a few minutes often and on over the night, it was what anyone without a diseased mind would have to agree these people are not well. 

When face with what they have to know is the truth, they constantly carry on with the Marxist liberated democraaat talking points that leave us with open mouths at the duplicity they have no periblem telling us all where they are in the larger scheme of things, and what they believe, where they want to go and take the rest of us with them to Nirvana.

But we, fortunately have some sense of reality, born of our access to factual events and history, which apparently they don't have even though it's there for anyone to see, continue to rave on with make believe fantasies of how great their leadership is and has been to provide the resources needed to make sure the ''middle class'' is cared for.

This would be amusing except for the fact it's Marxist socialism rit large! Communist ideology and nothing more or less. Believe we have your best interest at heart or suffer the consequences of disbelief. Trust us to deliver. Would we lie to you?

The DNC convention is a nightmare of disinformation, 
misinformation and outright lies. But thousands roar
their approval!

If history is understood at all and applied to this situation
unfolding in Chicago, it's lost on millions of willing subjects
sitting the front pews of the church Marxist socialism.

"When ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise!''

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