Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Hide and Seek : Kammala ''The Transformer!''! Believe It's All True!

She has talent that is beginning to show the world there is more to her then we first thought. She is very good at being something and someone different each time she materializes on the TV screen. Her processing of subjects that are confusing to begin with and then become something completely different when she started. Strange!

But hey, no one is perfect, especially when speaking to millions of people who just want to know if she has any ideas that are relevant to how she as president she will begin to fix the problems that plaguing our country.

She says it's not her fault that the country is falling apart. She says the country is doing okay,  All that's required if for everyone to listen to what I'm saying and believe it's true. She says it's a matter to having faith in the democratic system.

Trust me she says. Remember Joe said the same thing and millions did. What happened?

But there's the problem, it's called collateral damage. You are known by the company you keep!

The democraaats live by the well-worn rule of if we repeat
the lie long enough, it becomes reality. And millions are ready
and willing to believe. It's about feeling safe even if the know
tjhey are living the lie!

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