Monday, August 19, 2024

Rush, We Miss You Still! : Gone Too Soon!

Just when the troubles for America are the worst in our recent history, he left us to stew in our own juices which are not a good thing as we are very bad cooks. 

In fact, if we don't do the right thing in November by electing a true warrior like Donald Trump but decide to go with a true Marxist socialist. an admitted communist like Kamomala Harris, no one will be able to live a life with the freedom to choose or enjoy the liberty that individual freedom guarantees.  

See, the problem for the electret is many citizens are confused by the fact a person that has lived her entire life with the freedom to choose would willingly decide to destroy the very foundation that she enjoyed for herself, 

The average citizen with the power to vote for freedom will choose instead to relinquish that freedom because they didn't have any idea what it would mean to live without freedom.

Remember the lyrics to the song ''Me and Bobby McGee'', ''Freedom means having nothing else to loose!''

If you choose at this point in time to vote for giving up the freedom and liberty to choose one's own destiny, God have mercy on all our souls!

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