Friday, August 09, 2024

What Did She Know and When? : Why Is The FBI Stonewalling Again!??

 With the new ''body cam'' footage out now showing local police disgusted with what the Secret Service (SS) where they couldn't or wouldn't communicate with them on what the police were seeing in real time, it becomes very clear the SS didn't care about what was going on all around them.

And worse, even such stalwart media outlets like CNN are asking the tough questions like who was in charge on-site and why haven't they been subpoenaed to testify under oath to detail their actions where a former president of the United States was apparently allowed to be shot at and nearly killed???

And then what's going on with the shooters phone in the hands of the FBI where they say they can't read it because of its encrypted! WHAT? You know, like Hunter Biiyden's laptop computer which they had for more than a year before the election in 2020 but claimed they hadn't touched it to find out what was in it!!!!!!

They lied and lied and lied about the laptop and now the shooters phone!? What does this say about the FBI? Were they involved in trying to kill Donald Trump? They were wholly involved the January 6 protest at the capital and the Michigan governor Witmer's assassination attempt!! 

And the FBI said nothing to see here when capital police officer Lt. Michael Byrd murdered an unarmed woman, Ahli Babbit in the hallway of the capital. Byrd walked free!! The murder, according to the FBI was justified. After all she was MAGA!! Who Cares?

They were controlling all of those operations from start to finish! So why not the assassination attempt???

And why is she off the hook!? Easy, she is a good Marxist
liberated democraaat soldier!! She knew at some point this
was going happen and the ''protocol'' was in place to make
sure the job got done!

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