Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Marxist Liberated democraaat Government : Who Are The People?

 For the Marxist communist there is no concern for what the people want or need to sustain their well being to obtain prosperity and a hope for a safe future.

But what we have now is crime in streets in nearly all of our large cites, an economy that's a disaster and our wide-open border ensures our health care and educational systems will collapse soon rather than later especially now with Ojbymma Care is gutting the medial system.

And if that isn't bad enough, our schools are under attack by lunatics with sharpen knives to castrate our infant children to ensure some kind of insanity about a 4-year-old child needs to have the freedom to be whatever and who they think they are or should be. 

And if the parents don't like that, too bad! The government will come in and take their child away and jail them for being bad parents.

Remember, always vote for more death and destruction. We really don't need prosperity or individual freedom to be happy. 

Reagan: ''Hi, we're from the government and here to help!''

Human rights as defined by Marxist liberated democraaats 
is your right to do what you are told and like it!!

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